debbie millman

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


The follow up to Unilever's brilliant Dove film "Evolution." Perhaps even better than the first.

From Ad Age:
"Beauty-industry advertising is coming under attack once more by beauty advertiser Unilever in a follow-up to the widely honored Dove "Evolution" viral video that broke today in the U.S.

The success of 'Evolution' has helped 'Onslaught' generate numerous blog mentions of it as a follow-up to the original.

Dove's "Onslaught" features a close-up of a cute red-haired preteen girl to musical refrains of "Here it comes" from U.K. group Simian's "La Breeze," followed by a barrage of beauty-industry images and ads featuring booty-shaking lingerie models, cheesy direct-response-style pitches promising cosmetic miracles, scenes of plastic surgery, time-lapse effects of yo-yo dieting and bulimia, all leading up to the tagline: "Talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does." The video, like "Evolution," comes from WPP Group's Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Toronto. And it directly supports the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, which has set a goal to reach 5 million girls globally with programs by 2010. To that end, Unilever this year also will enlist yet-unnamed celebrities to appear at events to reveal how stylists, makeup artists, photographers and computer technicians produce their onscreen and on-page looks."

Perhaps they should start by looking at this site?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Among the 5 million girls Dove plans to reach, are they hoping to reach the customers of their own parent company, Unilver, in India, who are being lauded on a Unilever website for using a Unilvere product to bleach their faces? The first girl listed actually has given herself extreme blotches, and they are praising her.

3/26/2008 07:51:00 AM  

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